It's time for the holidays and discounts! Electronics and other gift items aren't the only thing on sale during the holidays. It appears some stocks are trading at discounts as well! So let's go bargain hunting and start creating a stock wish. During a bear market like we are currently...
Before I get to other updates today, I want to start off with an update on the Disney Trade (DIS). The Walt Disney Company (DIS) has been basically underperforming the general market for several months now. Is Disney's Kingdom, and maybe more importantly its stock, still magical? Disney's underperformance, when...
There has been a trade set-up that I have been monitoring for The Walt Disney Company (DIS) for approximately 1/2 a year now. I started discussing the trade set-up for DIS back in this article "2/8/2017 – Walt Disney (DIS) High Confidence Trade Set-Up". I wrote another update on the...
This quick hits update will cover a wide swath of companies. AAPL, CAT, DIS, FB, GOOGL, MGNX, SAVE, SIRI, TSRO, TSLA, X & XLF Consider this an overall check-up on the market. The sentiment of the majority of these charts just may provide some insight as what to expect over...
Walt Disney (DIS) High Confidence Trade Set-Up This article is for the Walt Disney Company (DIS) post-earnings analysis and a high probability trade set-up that I see developing over the next month or two. After selling all of my mom's shares for DIS about 2 weeks ago now, I have...
When the Walt Disney Company (DIS) purchased the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas, I remember thinking at the time that the purchase was an awesome one. After all, when you are a media company, it is all about the content. Or to rephrase it, "content is king". Without the...
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