It's time for the holidays and discounts! Electronics and other gift items aren't the only thing on sale during the holidays. It appears some stocks are trading at discounts as well! So let's go bargain hunting and start creating a stock wish. During a bear market like we are currently...
This article will focus on calculating reversal areas using Fibonacci tools. I will use a variety of Fibonacci charting tools to calculate potential support and reversal areas in case of a continued market pullback. I look at long-term charts for Apple (AAPL), Facebook (FB) and Tesla (TSLA) in this article. Hopefully...
With the beginning of a new month, what better time to look at a handful of 5 year monthly candlestick charts? Analyzing long-term stock trends usually involves the use of monthly candlestick charts. Reviewing long-term trends helps to set expectations for upcoming share price moves. The best trading results involve...
Let's continue the review for sectors that appear to have potential for the next leg up, or possibly even during the market correction. While most stocks do follow the general market, there are always some stocks that go up. Let's see if we can find some of those groups. Apple...
A TSC member request came through for an update on Apple (AAPL). My previous update was written right before Apple's latest earnings report and was titled "7/21/2017 – Apple (AAPL) & Its Upcoming Earnings". Since that update, there have been some warning signals for Apple's uptrend that have developed. In...
In a previous update for Apple (AAPL), I reviewed its probable long-term prospects. Apple has had a lengthy, sideways correction over the last several weeks in the mid $140 price range. So is the correction over? What are upside price targets? What about a bad earnings report currently scheduled for...
In order to get the most out of your Trendy Stock Charts membership, I strongly suggest that you subscribe to your favorite forum posts. That way, you will be alerted via email immediately after a reply to a topic has been posted. This is important for some of those "time...
FANG stocks have seen some increased selling pressure lately. The sell-offs for some of the tech titans in the FANG group seemed to have started at the end of last week. Apple (AAPL) is not technically part of the FANG group. FANG stands for Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google. But...
This quick hits update will cover a wide swath of companies. AAPL, CAT, DIS, FB, GOOGL, MGNX, SAVE, SIRI, TSRO, TSLA, X & XLF Consider this an overall check-up on the market. The sentiment of the majority of these charts just may provide some insight as what to expect over...
There are a lot of public companies out there. Not all of them deserve coverage. But a lot of them do. So at times, I have to take quick looks at several companies rather than trying to focus on one. This quick hits article will look at the charts for Apple, Advanced Micro Devices...
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