It's time for the holidays and discounts! Electronics and other gift items aren't the only thing on sale during the holidays. It appears some stocks are trading at discounts as well! So let's go bargain hunting and start creating a stock wish. During a bear market like we are currently...
I know I've complained about this before, but it's been a while so let me get on my soapbox again. Starbucks (SBUX) needs to up the average temperature of their hot coffee drinks. When I order a coffee specialty drink, I do not feel as if I should have to...
In my previous article for Starbucks (SBUX) titled "3/29/2017 – Starbucks (SBUX) Stock Chart Review", I talked about a confluence of bullish candlestick patterns that developed on its weekly candlestick chart. This confluence of candlestick patterns provided a definite support area that provided for limited downside risk. Last week, SBUX...
This is a Starbucks (SBUX) stock chart update. In my previous full-length article for Starbucks (SBUX) titled "2/6/2017 – Starbucks (SBUX) Chart Analysis", I stated There has only been one temporary close below the support area from the Thrusting candlestick pattern. I would anticipate one more possible re-test of that...
This quick hits update will cover a wide swath of companies. AAPL, CAT, DIS, FB, GOOGL, MGNX, SAVE, SIRI, TSRO, TSLA, X & XLF Consider this an overall check-up on the market. The sentiment of the majority of these charts just may provide some insight as what to expect over...
Let's perform a post-chart analysis for Starbucks (SBUX) after its most recent earnings report. The Starbucks (SBUX) chart analysis in this article will build off my previous article for the company. In my previous stock article for SBUX, I illustrated a Bullish Impulse wave pattern that had completed and was in the...
Starbucks (SBUX) continues its growth, even as Howard Schultz announced his resignation as CEO of the company. When a decorated CEO that helped to turn the company around from its financial "woes" leaves, the short-term affect is usually nominal. But longer-term, investors may be in a "wait and see" approach....
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